Here we go

I never thought I’d have a website, or a business - or a husband and kids for that matter - but here I am. I’ve worked with generals and corporals, business executives and gig workers, those with and without homes, and children. Every one I’ve met has at least one thing in common. They want to be heard.

I’ve been writing and editing for as long as I can remember. I wrote stories about my dog, taught grammar to my classmates, read the dictionary for fun. When I was old enough, I joined the military, free education being worth the price of admission. I got really good at nursing, in particular communication in nursing, written and spoken. Eventually I had to acknowledge that first love, the love of words, was winning.

I transferred into public affairs, sat through grammar classes I didn’t need and elements of style classes I did. I honed my interview skills. I wrote. I edited. I spoke on camera and prepared others to do the same.

I’ve advised senior leaders on health care and on communications, and I’ve led efforts in both, focusing on compassion, accuracy, and the needs of others.

Now that I’m “retired", I’ve decided to dig into words, support people, and foster communication while keeping my own needs in mind. Success comes in work-life balance, or so I’ve been told.

Right now that means I’m open to work, and I have purple hair.


Article: Coping with Crisis After Burnout